In the January issue John Rice reviewed awards from the WCCC at Batumi, Diyan Kostadinov presented the first part of an article on KoBul Kings, and Álvaro Pereira gave a short personal reflection on problem composition in Portugal. Awards included Helpmate Moremovers 2011 (judge Henry Tanner), Helpmates Threemovers 2012 (judge Hans Peter Rehm) and Selfmates 2012 (judge Mike Prcic). Browsing in the library examined the Christmas book from 1911 Running the Gauntlet. Articles in the Supplement covered two-movers featuring tail-pin by withdrawal, 5-fold Stocchi blocks, and problems by Russian composer Igor Kochulov (all by Geoff Foster), the Goethart theme (David Shire) and Growing Men: Solo for White King (by Ronald Turnbull).

The January magazines were accompanied by a special publication in memory of the late Chris Reeves, entitled The Original Christopher Reeves. This presents 114 problems, with commentary by David Shire and additional contributions from Don Smedley, John Rice and Marjan Kovacevic. Copies of the booklet are obtainable from BCPS Treasurer Paul Valois at a cost of £3.50.

Christopher Reeves

US Problem Bulletin, 1963


Mate in 2

1.Bd6? Re7! (2.Sd6?)
1.Bc7? Be7! (2.Qc8?)
1.Bf4? Rd3! (2.Rf1?)
1.Bd4? Bd3! (2.Sd4?)

1.Bb8! (>2.Bxe4)

1...Re7  2.Bd6
1...Be7  2.Qc8
1...Rd3  2.Rf1
1...Bd3  2.Sd4

Each of the tries by the bishop fails because it prevents White from exploiting one of Black’s Grimshaw interferences.

Christopher Reeves

Problem, 1974


Mate in 2

1.Sxd4? (>2.Rc8)

1...e6    2.Sxf6
1...e5    2.Rc7
1...Qxc3+ 2.Rxc3
1...Ke4+  2.Qxf5
1...Qxd4  2.Rxd4

1.Kb4!  (>2.Rxf6)

1...e6+   2.Rc5
1...e5+   2.Rd6
1...Qxc3+ 2.Sxc3
1...Ke4   2.Re6

A problem which illustrates Chris’s readiness to “break the rules” in search of originality. There are four interesting changes, but the pieces at h5 and e8 have no post-key functions. Chris held the opinion that the solution of a problem consists of the play which appears in all the phases, hence for him the convention that all the white force should be used in the post-key play was an ideal but not a hard and fast rule.

Viktor Chepizhny

1st Prize, The Problemist, 2012


Helpmate in 3: 2 solutions

1.e1S Qa3  2.Rxh4 Qe7+ 3.Kf5 Sxh4 
1.e1B Qxc4 2.gxf3 Qe6+ 3.Kg5 Sxf3

Zilahi with dual avoidance unpins at move one.

The March issue featured a report on the final of the 2014 Winton Capital British Chess Solving Championship, won by John Nunn. Articles included Barry Barnes on Mutual White Interference and David Shire on Recent developments in the English Nowotny. Browsing in the library covered diagrammes Volume Special No.2 1992-95, while two informal awards were published, Fairies 2011 (section1 – series problems), judged by Eric Huber and Moremovers 2014, judged by Dolf Wissmann. The Supplement featured the first part of an article by David Shire on the work of A. F. Mackenzie. Other articles included Growing Men: Expanding to a standstill, by Ronald Turnbull, a selection of the work of Bohemian composer Josef Cumpe, and some single-phase two-move helpmate from decades past.

B. G. Laws & A. F. Mackenzie

HM., Chess Monthly, 1885


Mate in 2

1.Rh4 Waiting

1...Ke3   2.Re2
1...Kc3   2.Se2
1...Ke4   2.Sd5
1...Kxc4  2.Rc2
1...Ke5   2.Sh5
1...Kc5   2.Sd3
1...f any 2.Se6
1...c5    2.Sd5

A famous task, showing different mates after six flights.

Josef Cumpe

Eskilstuna Kuriren, 1921


Mate in 3

1.Bh7 Waiting

1...Kc4  2.Rh5 a5   3.d3
1...Kxc5 2.Bg8 a5   3.d4
1...a5   2.Bd3 Kxc5 3.Rb5

Three models. The pawn mates show a chameleon echo.

Ado Kraemer

2nd Prize, Otto Fuss Tourney, 1942


Mate in 3

1.Rcg1 Waiting

1...Bc5   2.Sxc5 hxg1Q 3.Sd7
1...Bxg1  2.Sf2  Bxf2  3.Rb1
1...hxg1Q 2.Rh8  >     3.Rb8

The key must cope with the potential stalemate after 1...Bc5.

In the May issue David Friedgood reported on the BCPS weekend at Newcastle. Articles included The cyclic Zagoruiko, a brilliant new discovery, by John Rice, The logic and beauty of threat correction, by Valery Shanshin, and a selection of Christopher Jones’ recent awardwinners. Informal awards covered Twomovers 2012 (judge José Antonio Coello Alonso) and Sections 2 and 3 of the Fairies award for 2011 (judge Eric Huber). Browsing in the library examined Classic chess problems by pioneer composers by Kenneth Howard. In the Supplement David Shire continued his review of the two-moves of A.F.Mackenzie, and Barry Barnes presented a selection of Master Composers’ Own Favourites.

György Bakcsi

1st Prize, Tipografia, 1975


Mate in 2
(b) Move the black king to d4

(a) 1.Ba6 (>2.Qd3,Qf4)

1...Rc4     2.Bc5
1...Bc4     2.Sc5

(b) 1.Ba6 (>2.Qd3,Qe5)

1...Rc4     2.Sc5
1...Bc4     2.Bc5

Reciprocal change of mates following Grimshaw interferences – an imaginative idea which would seem at first consideration to be impossible!

Touw Hian Bwee

3rd Prize, Schach-Echo, 1975/I


Mate in 2

1.Qa7? (>2.Qc5)

1...Bxd6 2.Sd2
1...Bxe4 2.Qd4

1.Bf1! (>2.Bc4)

1...Bxd6 2.Qxe6
1...Bxe4 2.Sb7

Beautifully matched play, with abandoned batteries and changed half-pin. The economy is superb.

Franz Pachl

1/2 Prize, Shakhmatna misl, 1983


Helpmate in 2: 2 solutions

1.Rg7 Bb2 2.Qxf8 Rxe6
1.Bh4 Ra5 2.Qxh3 Bxf4

In each solution Black closes a line to allow the queen to move away and open a line without giving check. The white rook and bishop exchange pinning and mating functions.

The July issue began with an obituary of our late Treasurer and Past President Paul Valois. Articles included Solve the first part first? by Andrey Frolkin, Sergei Tkachenko and Chris Tylor, Our duty to our forerunners (Some aspects of reconstructing), by Michael Lipton, and a report on the 10th European Chess Solving Championship, by Michael McDowell. Also published was the Longer Helpmates award for 2012 (judge Eckart Kummer). Browsing in the library covered the 1986 collection of the work of Eeltje Visserman. In the Supplement Barry Barnes continued his presentation of Master Composers’ Own Favourites, and David Shire completed his review of A.F. Mackenzie’s two-movers.

Arthur Ford Mackenzie

2nd HM., Otago Witness, 1900


Mate in 2

1.Kh1 ()

1...Bf6     2.Qg2>
1...Be5     2.Be6>
1...Bd4     2.e4
1...gB else 2.Sc3
1...Ba8     2.Qxa8
1...bB else 2.Bc6
1...Sg6     2.Qxf7
1...c4      2.b6

Only 1...Bf6 lacks a set mate, and a Gamage unpin following vacation of g2 is indicated. There are matching tries 1.Kh3? Bc8! and 1.Kg1? Bd4! each of which fails by allowing a pin of the potential mating piece.

Eeltje Visserman

The Problemist, 1960 (version by Brian Stephenson)


Mate in 3

1.Rb3  (>2.Ra4+ Kc5    3.Rc4)

1...Qxe4 2.Qh4 >       3.Sf3
1...Rxe4 2.Qg4 >       3.h8Q
               Qf3,Qh2 3.Sf3
1...Bxe4 2.Qf4 >       3.Rd3
               Sc3     3.Rb4
               Sb2,Sf2 3.Qxe3

Carefully differentiated pinning continuations after the captures on e4. The original setting had a dual continuation in one line, which Brian’s version eliminates.

Erich Zepler

3rd Prize, Palitzsch MT, 1932-1933


Mate in 4

Black threatens check on b4 with stalemate if the rook captures.

The try 1.Qd6?, unguarding c2, is refuted by 1...Se1! 2.Rd7 Sd3 3.Qxd3 stalemate, therefore White must double on the d-file with the weaker piece in front.

1.Qd8! Se1 2.Rd7 Sd3 3.Rxd3 Kc2 4.Rc3

A classic miniature.

Developed by Brian Stephenson. Now maintained by David Hodge.