The January issue featured an article by former PCCC President Klaus Wenda on “The Viennese Workshop”, a tribute to Dutch composer Ruud Beugelsdijk, who died last November, a further selection of awardwinners from the composing tourneys at the Rio WCCC, and informal awards for helpmates in 2 (2004) and helpmates in 2½ and 3 (2008). Browsing in the library covered a 1975 collection of the work of Bohemian composer Miroslav Havel. David Shire’s regular article in the Supplement discussed focal play, and John Rice showed some three-movers from the 8th WCCT.

Touw Hian Bwee

Probleemblad, 1982


Mate in 2

1.d7?  (>2.d8Q)

1...Qg7  2.Qxb7
1...Qf6  2.Qxh1

1.Bg6! (>2.Bf7)
1...Qg7  2.Qxh1
1...Qf6  2.Qxb7

Reciprocally changed mates from a beautifully simple scheme.

Miroslav Havel

Československý šach, 1930


Mate in 5

1.Rh7 (>2.Ra8/Rh8) Rd2 2.Sd4 Sc3+ 3.Ka5 Rf2 4.Sf3 with mate on a8 or h8 to follow.

Two Nowotny interferences plus a switchback from the knight. The construction is perfect.

Ruud Beugelsdijk

4th Prize, Probleemblad, 1982


Mate in 3: Nightriders h5: h8

1.Bb4 (>2.b3+   axb3  3.Nb2)

1...Rf4 2.Be2+  Kb3   3.Sxd2
1...Nf4 2.Sxd2+ K any 3.Qe4
1...Bf4 2.Qe4+  Kxb5  3.Be2

The nightriders extend the knight’s move along a line (see the introductory article on fairy chess). A cycle of white second and third moves is shown with great clarity and unity. In each thematic variation both black interferences are exploited.

In the March issue Steve Giddins reported on the final of the 2009-10 British Chess Solving Championship, which resulted in a narrow victory for Jonathan Mestel, a point ahead of David Friedgood with World Champion Piotr Murdzia third. Two fairy awards were included, the Cedric Lytton 70JT and the 2005 informal award, by Hubert Gockel. Browsing in the library featured the 1924 Christmas book Simple Two-Move Themes. Chris Reeves presented an appreciation of the late Theodor Steudel, while in the Supplement David Shire examined the two-movers of Andrey Lobusov, John Rice showed a selection of serieshelpmates and Geoff Foster discussed how to develop a helpselfmate idea.

William A. Whyatt

The Problemist, 1959


Selfmate in 2

1.Rd8   (>2.Qc2+ Bxc2)

1...Sfxd6 2.Rxc5 Bc2
1...Sd4   2.Rd5  Bc2
1...Sxe3  2.Qf3  Bc2
1...Sexd6 2.Qg4  Bc2
1...Sxd2  2.Re8  Bc2

A beautiful selfmate (by a composer who is much better known for his directmate three-movers) which entertained the solvers at the British Chess Solving Final.

Alberto Mari

Alfiere di Re, 1922


Mate in 2

1...Qxb8 2.Sb7
1...Qd6  2.Sb3

1.Sg5  (>2.Sf7)

1...Qxb8 2.Sd3
1...Qd6  2.Scxe6
1...Kf4  2.Qxf6

Changed mates following withdrawal unpins of the c5 knight.

Michel Caillaud

2nd HM., Lytton-70 JT, 2009-2010


Mate in 2: Circe

1.Qg8        (>2.Rxf7)

1...S random   2.Qc4>
1...Sxd6 [Sg1] 2.Rf3
1...Sxg5 [Pg2] 2.Bc1>
1...Sxe5 [Pe2] 2.e3

The thematic key occupies g8 to threaten 2.Rxf7 by preventing the knight’s rebirth. A random move of the unpinned S opens the line g8-c4. 1...Sxd6 corrects by guarding the fourth rank, but places a white guard on f3 for 2.Rf3. 1...Sxg5 again guards the fourth rank and places a white guard on f3 but corrects by directly guarding f3. However, it cuts the rook guard of d2, allowing 2.Bc1. 1...Sxe5 repeats all of the preceding elements but corrects against 2.Bc1? because of 2…Sxd3[Pd2]! This time the decisive error is to return the wP to e2 for 2.e3. A wonderfully clear example of quaternary correction.

The May issue included a report on the 2010 BCPS weekend at Harrogate. Awards covered fairies 2005, retros 2007-08, helpmates in 3 for 2006 and the Brian Harley Award for two-movers published in 2007-08. James Quah continued his review of triple Grimshaws in two-movers using fairy pieces and Browsing in the Library covered the 1922 collection of Selected Gems from the Chess Amateur. In the Supplement John Rice remembered the late Hungarian composer Attila Benedek, David Shire’s trip through the chess problem alphabet reached G for Grimshaw, and Michael McDowell presented a selection of Soviet compositions from the 1930s. A special booklet was devoted to the 2010 European Chess Solving Championship, held at Sunningdale, containing full results, all of the problems used in the event, and the awards of the associated composing tourneys.

G. F. Anderson

Sunday Times, 1971


Mate in 3

1.Rf1 waiting

1...Bb8     2.Be1  f5   3.Qxb6
                   else 3.Rxf6
1...Rh3,Rh4 2.Be3  f5   3.Bxg5
1...b5      2.Bxa7 f5   3.Qb6
1...e4      2.Bd4  f5   3.Bg7
1...f5      2.Qh1  &    3.Qxh5,Qc6
                   Rxh1 3.Rxh1

A tricky Anderson three-mover used in the solving tourney at Harrogate.

Aleksandr Galitzky

Shakhmatnoe obozrenie, 1892


Mate in 4

1.e8B Ka2 2.Bf7+ Kxb1 3.Bc4 K any 4.Ba2

1...Kb4/Kxa4 2.Rc4+ Kb3 3.Bf7/Sd2+ K moves 4.Rc1/Ra4.

With the black king free to move to three squares there appears to be no need for an underpromotion key. Taken from a new collection of Galitsky’s problems.

E. N. Somov-Nasimovich

Comm., Shakhmaty v SSSR, 1937


White to play and win

1.d7 Bxd7 (1...Qg8 2.Qd3+ Kf3 3.Qf5+ wins) 2.f3+ Qxf3 3.Qd3+ Kd5 4.e4+ Qxe4 5.Qc4+ Kc6 (5...Kd6 6.dxc5+ wins) 6.d5+ Qxd5 7.Qa6#

An amusing repeated manoeuvre.

The July issue recorded the passing of former BCPS President Robin Matthews, with an appreciation by John Rice. Bob Meadley and Geoff Foster discussed Australian composer E. D. McQueen. Also included were reports of the problem meetings at Nunspeet and Andernach, and Thomas Maeder’s fairy award for 2008. Browsing in the library covered Schach ohne Grenzen, the 1969 collection of T. R. Dawson’s work. Miniatures featured prominently in the Supplement, with the annual solving competition and a selection by John Rice of some early more-movers, while David Shire’s series on problem themes reached H for Herpai.

E. D. McQueen

Melbourne Leader, 1934


Mate in 2

1.Bh2  (>2.Rg7)

1...Rh8+ 2.Rg8
1...Rh6  2.Rg6
1...Rh5  2.Rg5
1...Rh4  2.Rg4
1...Rxh3 2.Rxh3
1...Rg7  2.Rxg7
1...Rf7  2.Kxf7
1...Re7+ 2.Kxe7
1...Rd7  2.Kxd7
1...Rc7  2.bxc7
1...Rb7  2.Qd8
1...Ra7  2.bxa7

Eric McQueen’s most famous problem, a perfectly constructed task showing twelve mates after the moves of one rook.

R. C. O. Matthews

1st Prize, Die Schwalbe, 1952


Mate in 6


1...g6 2.Bxb6 d5 3.Rd4 Kxf2 4.Rxd5+ Ke1 5.Bd4 Kxd2 6.Bf2
1...d5 2.Rxd5 g6 3.Bd4 Kxd2 4.Bxb6+ Ke1 5.Rd4 Kxf2 6.Rdxd1

Robin Matthews was primarily known for his three-movers, but here shows his skill as a more-move composer, combining two Indian manoeuvres in each of the variations.

Jean Morice

Combat, 20th June 1953


Mate in 3

1.Ra8 (>2.Rc8 &  3.Rc5)

1...Rc3 2.Se8 e3 3.Sf6
1...Rd3 2.Re8 &  3.Re5
1...Re3 2.Sc8 c3 3.Sb6

A lucidly constructed study in pawn obstruction, taken from a recently published supplement to diagrammes devoted to the chess column of the magazine Combat.

The September issue featured awards by John Nunn (Studies 2008-09) and Vlaicu Crisan (Fairies 2007 parts 1 and 2). Sir Brian Young remembered Robin Matthews, Paul Valois reported on the problem meeting at Marianka, and Michael McDowell revisited the problems of E. E. Westbury. John Rice detailed some recent British tourney successes, while Browsing in the Library covered the BCPS Review of 1962. In the Supplement John Rice showed a selection of three-movers by the late Andrey Lobusov (whose obituary appeared in the main magazine), Michael McDowell presented some grasshopper problems accompanied by a letter from T. R. Dawson, Geoff Foster examined the development of a cross-check matrix, and David Shire’s series of theme articles reached I for interference.

G. F. Anderson

1st Prize, The Observer, 1961


Mate in 2

1.Qb6         (>2.Se4)

1...Sf random + 2.Se4 (Set 2.Sd3)
1...Sxd6+       2.Sd3
1...Sd4+        2.Rf5
1...exd6+       2.Sd7
1...exf6+       2.Sb7
1...Kxd6        2.Rd4
1...Kxf6        2.Qb2

One of Gerald Anderson’s finest two-movers, combining 5 cross-checks with 2 flights.

Peter Copping

1st Prize, The Observer, 1958


Mate in 3

1.Sa3 (>2.Sc2  & 3.Sc1,Sd4)

1...f5  2.Bxd6 & 3.Sc1
1...Rf6 2.Bd5  & 3.Bxc4
1...f6  2.Rc2  & 3.Rc3
1...Rf5 2.Bxe4 & 3.Bc2

Mutual obstructions between the pawn and rook, plus two anticipatory interferences on the bishops.

Charles E. Kemp

Eskilstuna Kuriren, 24th October 1925


Mate in 2

1...c5     2.Sb5
1...G any  2.Be7
1...Sg any 2.fxe5

1.Sb3 (-)

1...c5     2.Ga3
1...G any  2.Bc7
1...Sg any 2.Gf6
1...Se any 2.Sxc4
1...Bb7    2.Sxb7

An ingenious grasshopper mutate. The elements which make the three changes operate are worth close examination.

The November issue reported on the WCCC in Crete, where John Nunn won his third individual World Solving title and Poland took the team gold. A number of obituaries included one for Lu Citeroni, who was for many years a columnist in The Problemist and BCPS librarian. Jeremy Morse presented his latest update of tasks and records, Yochanan Afek showed some studies by composers born in 1910, and Browsing in the library covered Cyril Kipping’s 1932 collection The Chessmen Speak. Awards included Michael Lipton’s two-move informal judgment for 2009 and the tourney for short proof games organised by Graham Lee and pupils from Oakham School. In the Supplement David Shire examined the Java theme while Michael Lipton reworked a half-pin cross-check matrix.

R. Rupp

Source unknown


Mate in 2

1.Bd3   (>2.Sb3)

1...f5    2.Qxd6
1...Sdf5  2.Qb6
1...Sef5  2.Qxd5
1...Rf5   2.Qxe3
1...Qxe6+ 2.Sxe6

A four-fold example of the Rupp theme, involving simultaneous unpinning of a white and black piece, appropriately by Rupp himself.

C. S. Kipping & G. F. Anderson

>Western Morning News, 1st September 1923


Mate in 3

1.Ke2       (>2.Be1   &   3.Qg3)

1...c4        2.Rxe3     (3.Qg3)
                      Se4 3.Rf3
1...Re8,Re7   2.gxh8S    (3.Sg6)
                      Se7 3.Qxe3
1...Re6       2.gxf8S &   3.Sxe6,Sg6
1...Re4       2.Sf1   &   3.Qg3
1...Bb7       2.Rd4+  any 3.Sd3
1...Sb5       2.Bxe5+ any 3.Qxe3
1...fxg5,hxg5 2.Qf1+  Kg3 3.Qf2

A variety of interesting strategy. In the main line the rook is twice pinned and unpinned by interference.

A. S. Kakovin

Comm., Moscow Tourney, 1936


White to play and win

1.f4+ Kd5 (1...Kf5 2.Sd4+) 2.f5! Bxf5 3.Sf4+ Ke5 4.Rd1 c6 5.Rd5+ cxd5 6.Sd3+ exd3 7.f4

A classic example of “mate by the last pawn”.

Developed by Brian Stephenson. Now maintained by David Hodge.