Magazines published by the BCPS

The BCPS publishes two magazines. The Problemist has been published continually from 1926 to the current day. The Problemist Supplement was started in 1992 and is aimed at newcomers to chess composition. The back-issues of both magazines are available for viewing and downloading here. Select one of them from the menu on the left.

Between 2002 and 2015 Michael McDowell posted on the site reviews of issues of the magazines as they were published. You can read them by selecting Issue Reviews from the menu on the left.

A list of errata from both magazines can be viewed by selecting Errata from the menu on the left. Errata are published here as soon as they become necessary.

In August 1930 the BCPS began publishing a magazine enttitled The Problemist Fairy Chess Supplement. The society continued to publish this until the end of Volume 2 in June 1936. From August 1936 to 1958 it was published independently of the BCPS under the title Fairy Chess Review. Volumes 1 to 7 of this magazine (up to 1951) are available for viewing and downloading here. Select Fairy Chess Review from the menu on the left.

An addendum to the 2012-2013 Endgame Study Award, which was not published in the magazine, can be viewed by selecting 2012-2013 Study Award Addendum from the menu on the left.

The 2017 BCPS Residential Weekend featured a composing tourney organised and judged by Michael Lipton. An abbreviated award was published in The Problemist, but the full award can be viewed by selecting 2017 Nottingham #2 Award from the menu on the left.

In 1948 the BCPS ran a composiing tourney to celebrate the Olympic Games of that year. The award was issued as a separate booklet and you can view it by selecting 1948 Olympic Ty. Award from the menu on the left.

In 1960 the BCPS ran a composing tourney to celebrate its fortieth anniversary. The award from this tourney can be viewed by selecting the BCPS-40 JT Award from the menu on the left.

Developed by Brian Stephenson. Now maintained by David Hodge.