Many individuals have wide-ranging interests, so their home pages may not
immediately evidence chess problems.
JSB Website
A website created by John and Sue Beasley. It includes a PDF archive of
the full run of British Endgame Study News (BESN) (which ran from
1996 to 2010), a new presentation of Reti’s endgame studies and
much other chess composition content.
Andrew Buchanan
Retrograde analysis, with special emphasis on ‘Dead Reckoning’.
Mike Donnelly
Postal player and occasional problem composer.
George Jelliss
George has very wide interests, including chess problems, mathematics,
reason and fantasy literature!
Michael Lipton
A link to the chess problem section of Michael’s site, which includes a
collection of his own chess problems.
John Roycroft
The moving force in Great Britain, over the last 50-odd years, of the composed endgame
Brian Stephenson
Home of the Meson Chess Problem database, a collection of endgame
study columns published in CHESS and a selection of his own chess