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2010-2011 – The Starter Problem

Johh Rice


Mate in 2

1.Rf5!    (2.Qb5#)
1...Qxf5+ 2.Qxf5#
1...Qxf7  2.Rf3#

Many incorrect alternatives were suggested by solvers. The tempting 1.Re5? fails because of 1...Qf3! (2.Qb5+ Kxd4!) and 1.Rc5? is defeated by 1...Qd5! 1.Rxh5? is stalemate. Attempts to unpin WRb5 for mate at b3 fail as follows: 1.d5? Qe5! 1.Be5? Qxf7! 1.Ka4? Qd5! 1.Qd5? Qxd5+!

1.Qh3?, 1.Qg4? and 1.Qe6? all lose control of b5 and are defeated by 1...Qxb5+! 1.Qe8? threatening mate on the e-file is answered by 1...Qe5! and if 1.f8Q? Qd5! preventing immediate mate on a3. Checking moves also fail: 1.Bxe2+? Kxe2! 1.Sf2+? Ke3! 1.Ra3+? Kxd2! 1.Qf5+? Qxf5! Finally, 1.Qd4? and 1.g2? are impossible moves and 1.Kb4? is defeated by 1...Qd5!

There were 257 entries this year, of which 72 were incorrect.

Developed and maintained by Brian Stephenson.